Please double-click the file which you downloaded, and Please click "Enable Content"(in "Options" of the Security Warning column)or"Enable Macros", and please use it. Please click " kn`c " . Select the file NES form (NO TRAINER ) of Super Mario 1 that you want to change. Please click " nodm ". A part of " MARIO BROS. " of the input form under SUPER, Please change it using the alphabet or an exclamation mark or a hyphen , a blank , a dot. A part of " 2015.3.5 k1 " of the input form as for you below, Please change it using the alphabet or a number or an exclamation mark or a hyphen, a blank, a dot, a slash. Please click " SAVE ". Select or input the file name that you want to save and, Please click " SAVE " The End |